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First Year:
- Attend New Faculty Welcome and Tenure Workshop
- Appointment of mentor or mentoring committee
- Appointment of oversight/review committee
- Select faculty division
- Peer review of teaching (including direct observation of classroom, clinical, or other teaching)
- Start documenting and collecting material for tenure review (research, teaching, extension, outreach, service)
- Make appointment with Michaela Aust, divisional committees coordinator to view sample dossiers
Second Year:
- Peer review of teaching (including direct observation of classroom, clinical, or other teaching)
- First annual review
- Contract renewal (length varies by school/college)
- Update information for dossier annually
Third and Fourth Year:
- Peer review of teaching (including direct observation of classroom, clinical, or other teaching)
- Annual review
- Contract renewal (as appropriate)
Fifth Year:
- Peer review of teaching (including direct observation of classroom, clinical, or other teaching)
- Departmental executive committee decides to bring up candidate for promotion (2nd semester)
- Tenure review committee requests external referee letters (2nd semester)
- Contract renewal (as appropriate)
Sixth Year, First Semester:
- Receipt of external letters
- Departmental executive committee reviews, meets, and votes
- Department finalizes dossier, chair writes cover letter
- Department submits dossier to dean for approval (deadlines vary by school/college)
- Dean approves transmittal to divisional committee (submission deadlines are posted: Arts & Humanities, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences)