Honorary degrees awarded 1856-present
wdt_ID | Year | Last name | Name | Honorary degree |
1 | 1932 | Abbott | Grace Abbott | Doctor of Laws |
2 | 1994 (May) | Adair | Robert Kemp Adair | Doctor of Science |
3 | 1904 | Adams | Henry C. Adams | Doctor of Laws |
4 | 1927 | Adams | Maude Adams | Doctor of Letters |
5 | 1904 | Addams | Jane Addams | Doctor of Laws |
6 | 2016 | Addario | Lynsey Addario | Doctor of Humane Letters |
7 | 2008 | Ahern | John E. Ahern | Doctor of Science |
8 | 1968 | Aiken | Howard Hathaway Aiken | Doctor of Science |
9 | 1993 | Aiken | Linda Harman Aiken | Doctor of Science |
10 | 1982 | Aldrich | Daniel Gaskill Aldrich, Jr. | Doctor of Science |
11 | 1982 | Allen | Ethel Kullmann Allen | Doctor of Science |
12 | 1983 | Allen | Gay Wilson Allen | Doctor of Letters |
13 | 2013 | Alley | Richard B. Alley | Doctor of Science |
14 | 1903 | Allis | Edward P. Allis, Jr. | Doctor of Laws |
15 | 1922 | Alllinson | Francis G. Allinson | Doctor of Letters |
16 | 1946 | Allyn | Stanley C. Allyn | Doctor of Laws |
17 | 1939 | Altmeyer | Arthur J. Altmeyer | Doctor of Laws |
18 | 1913 | Alvord | John W. Alvord | Civil Engineer |
19 | 1995 | Ambrose | Stephen Edward Ambrose | Doctor of Humane Letters |
20 | 1979 | Amdahl | Gene Myron Amdahl | Doctor of Science |
21 | 1898 | Ames | James B. Ames | Doctor of Laws |
22 | 1885 | Anderson | Rasmus B. Anderson | Bachelor of Arts |
23 | 1888 | Anderson | R. B. Anderson | Doctor of Laws |
24 | 2003 | Anderson | Carl Anderson | Doctor of Science |
25 | 1904 | Angell | James B. Angell | Doctor of Laws |
26 | 2004 | Archibald | George Archibald | Doctor of Science |
27 | 1904 | Armsby | Henry P. Armsby | Doctor of Laws |
28 | 1954 | Arriola Perez | Asuncion Arriola Perez | Doctor of Laws |
29 | 1933 | Aston | James Aston | Doctor of Science |
30 | 1987 | Atanasoff | John Vincent Atanasoff | Doctor of Science |
31 | 2000 | Attiga | Ali Ahmed Attiga | Doctor of Science |
32 | 1888 | Babbitt | Richmond Babbitt | Doctor of Laws |
33 | 1917 | Babcock | Stephen M. Babcock | Doctor of Science |
34 | 1984 | Bader | Alfred Robert Bader | Doctor of Science |
35 | 1907 | Bailey | Liberty H. Bailey | Doctor of Laws |
36 | 1931 | Bailey | Irving W. Bailey | Doctor of Science |
37 | 1936 | Baker | John E. Baker | Doctor of Laws |
38 | 1972 | Baldwin | Ira Lawrence Baldwin | Doctor of Science |
39 | 1878 | Barber | Hiram Barber | Doctor of Laws |
40 | 1932 | Bardeen | Charles R. Bardeen | Doctor of Laws |
41 | 1960 | Bardeen | John Bardeen | Doctor of Science |
42 | 2002 | Barness | Lewis Barness | Doctor of Science |
43 | 2003 | Barshefsky | Charlene Barshefsky | Doctor of Laws |
44 | 1905 | Bascom | John Bascom | Doctor of Laws |
45 | 1912 | Bashford | James W. Bashford | Doctor of Laws |
46 | 1904 | Beale | Joseph H. Beale, Jr. | Doctor of Laws |
47 | 2010 | Bechthold | Ned W. Bechthold | Doctor of Science |
48 | 1970 | Beers | William Oscar Beers | Doctor of Laws |
49 | 1984 | Bentley | Orville George Bentley | Doctor of Science |
50 | 1911 | Benzenberg | George H. Benzenberg | Doctor of Science |