Wisconsin Athletic Board – Equity, Diversity and Student Wellness Committee Meeting on 09/20/2023 at 2:00 p.m.
Meeting will take place at: Heritage Hall at Camp Randall
Zoom Call-in Information: One tap mobile +13092053325,,94583904742#,,,,*442205# US OR Call in from landline: (309) 205-3325 Meeting ID: 945 8390 4742 Passcode: 442205
I. Call meeting into open session
II. Introductions
III. Approval of agenda
IV. Approval of minutes from April 19, 2023 meeting
V. Announcements
VI. Medical Update – Moll
VII. Department Reports
a. Mental Health Update (Lacocque)
b. Wellness Update (McGehee)
c. Inclusion and Engagement Update (Pulliam)
d. Win Now and Beyond Update (Tiedt)
VIII. Adjournment
Open to the public