Individual Division Selection

Faculty Policies and Procedures 4.03.A. provides that each faculty member shall select and be a member of one, and only one, faculty division (Arts and Humanities, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, or Social Sciences) – that being the division most appropriate to the faculty member’s teaching and research program. For many faculty, the divisional selection will be straightforward. However, some faculty members may be involved in interdisciplinary teaching and/or research that bridges several divisions.

Your divisional selection is critical in that it establishes the division in which you are entitled to vote regarding various governance topics and also determines the faculty divisional executive committee that will review your tenure dossier and make a recommendation to your dean as to whether you should be promoted to a tenured position at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Please consult with your department chair and submit this form or send an email to

Faculty Division Selection

By filling in this form, an email will be sent to your department chair to approve your division selection

  • Your primary department (tenure home)
  • this request will be forwarded to your department chair for approval
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.