Lauren Papp
Credentials: Chair
Position title: Professor, School of Human Ecology
Professor and Associate Dean for Research (School of Human Ecology). Member of the faculty since 2006. Current mentor in the Women Faculty Mentoring Program and the Mid-Career Faculty Mentoring Program. Former member: Social Sciences Divisional Committee; Faculty Consultative Committee on Financial Emergency; Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Search and Screen Committee; Dean of Students Search and Screen Committee (Chair); Dean of Students Advisory Committee (Chair); Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship Review Committee; Memorial Library Committee.
I thoroughly appreciate the opportunity to be part of an institution that strives to apply scholarly discovery to positively impact people’s lives and embraces an effective faculty governance. The University Committee helps promote these distinguishing traditions, in part, by maintaining sound connections between campus administration & faculty and by ensuring fair application of policies that are foundational to the mission of UW-Madison. Throughout my career here, I have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to supporting student life and faculty development. I would be honored and motivated to apply my relevant service and leadership experiences as a member of the University Committee.