David Fahey

Position title: Director of the Chemical Sciences Division of the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory

Honorary degree conferred:
Doctor of Science (Sc.D.), 2018

Dr. Fahey manages a premier Federal laboratory conducting research in atmospheric chemical sciences.  He has over 35 years of research experience with NOAA.  His team of 100+ researchers and support staff address the topics of stratospheric ozone depletion, climate and air quality.  Their focus is on observing and understanding the chemical, dynamical and radiative processes that relate to atmospheric composition and underlie stratospheric ozone depletion, climate and air quality.  In Dr. Fahey’s early research, he developed instrumentation for high-altitude research aircraft to study the gas-phase and aerosol composition of the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere, with an emphasis on processes related to ozone, water vapor and black carbon.  Dr. Fahey has participated in a wide variety of scientific assessments and communication activities.  He is a member of the Scientific Assessment Panel of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and a lead author of the 2017 Climate Science Special Report of the US National Climate Assessment.  Dr. Fahey has received the U. S. Department of Commerce Silver and Bronze Medals for Meritorious Federal Service, the Henry G. Houghton Award from the American Meteorological Society, and is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union.