As approved by the Faculty Senate December 2, 2019 (Fac doc 2861)
WHEREAS, the Search and Screen Committee for the UW System President announced on November 1, 2019 consists of five Regents, one former Regent, two Chancellors, and one Provost, and includes no faculty, academic staff, or university staff members, and no students other than one student Regent;
WHEREAS, the committee was announced just one week after President Cross announced his retirement with no outreach to faculty, academic staff, university staff, or students regarding the composition of the committee;
WHEREAS, the composition of the Search and Screen Committee represents a significant departure from past practice, as past Search and Screen committees have consistently included multiple faculty, staff, and student members;
WHEREAS, the System President makes decisions that affect all members of our campuses and the UW-System community; and
WHEREAS, faculty, staff, and students are key stakeholders in the University of Wisconsin system, and can provide valuable perspectives on the role of the President that are distinct from those of the Board of Regents and System administrators;
WHEREAS, the incoming System President will be best-served by having the support of an inclusive, rather than exclusive, search process;
THEREFORE be it therefore RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate strenuously objects to the existing composition of the Search and Screen Committee for the new UW System President.
Be it FURTHER RESOLVED that we call on the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents to have more balanced representation including faculty, academic staff, university staff, and students on the Search and Screen committee before the committee begins its work.