Resolution Endorsing the Wiscard Emergency Contact Resolution passed by the Associated Students of Madison

As approved by the Faculty Senate December 2, 2019 (Fac doc 2862)

WHEREAS, over 200 universities including Ohio State, Northwestern University, University of Illinois, University of Maryland, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Richmond, Brown University, all universities in California, and many more, include “emergency service phone numbers” ranging from the National Suicide Hotline to the University Police number on student IDs;

WHEREAS, former Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Lori Reesor commissioned a Mental Health Task Force report (May 2019) which stated, “there is a growing need for relevant, sustainable, and accessible mental health services”;

WHEREAS, almost 15% of UW-Madison students have considered suicide at some point, according to a 2018 UW-Madison survey;

WHEREAS, the Wisconsin State Assembly’s suicide task force recommended, based on research conducted from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, that all UW student ID cards include the National Suicide Hotline;

WHEREAS, this recommendation of including the National Suicide Hotline on Student ID Cards has not been passed yet and does not include the Rape Crisis Line, UWPD, or local UHS Crisis Line;

WHEREAS, according to the 2019 AAU sexual assault and misconduct survey, 26.1% of undergraduate women at UW-Madison reported having experienced some form of sexual assault; 11% reported experiencing assault by penetration, and 87% of all sexual assaults go unreported to any campus resource, even including confidential resources;

WHEREAS, the Associate Students of Madison’s Student Council passed the Wiscard Emergency Contact Resolution (26-1002-02) on October 13th, 2019;

WHEREAS, the Academic Staff Assembly passed a resolution in support of the Wiscard Emergency Contact Resolution (Academic Staff Doc 720) on November 11th, 2019;

THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate endorses the Wiscard Emergency Contact Resolution (26-1002-02) passed by the Associated Students of Madison which calls on Mark Guthier to convene the Identity Management Leadership Group to add the National Suicide Hotline, UWPD number, UHS Mental Health Crisis Line, and Rape Crisis Line, on student Wiscards before the start of the next academic year, and calls for the appointment of two student representatives to the Identity Management Leadership Group.