Meet the Woman Who Rocked Particle Physics-Three Times

IN 1963, MARIA Goeppert Mayer won the Nobel Prize in physics for describing the layered, shell-like structures of atomic nuclei. No woman has won since.

One of the many women who, in a different world, might have won the physics prize in the intervening 55 years is Sau Lan Wu. Wu is the Enrico Fermi Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and an experimentalist at CERN, the laboratory near Geneva that houses the Large Hadron Collider. Wu’s name appears on more than 1,000 papers in high-energy physics, and she has contributed to a half-dozen of the most important experiments in her field over the past 50 years. She has even realized the improbable goal she set for herself as a young researcher: to make at least three major discoveries … READ MORE

Sau Lan Wu at CERN, the laboratory near Geneva that houses the Large Hadron Collider. The mural depicts the detector she and her collaborators used to discover the Higgs boson.THI MY LIEN NGUYEN/QUANTA MAGAZINE
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