Tenure clock extension - current probationary faculty
Extensions of the tenure clock that do not involve a leave of absence or temporary assignment. CURRENT PROBATIONARY FACULTY (includes faculty members under contract, even if actual appointment has not begun)
Leave of absence - probationary faculty
All requests for leaves of absence that substantially interrupt the ability of a probationary faculty member to establish, within the normal probationary period, a record that would warrant the granting of tenure require the approval of the University Committee (FPP 7.20.) and, by nature, are understood to include a tenure-clock extension (i.e., stop the tenure clock).
Leave of absence - temporary assignment
Temporary assignment for probationary faculty is similar to a leave of absence, but it does not interrupt the tenure clock (FPP 7.20.). Temporary assignments include leaves where the probationary faculty member is participating in research or instructional activities (and is therefore continuing to establish a scholarly record) but is not on the university payroll. When A temporary assignment exceeds one year, the University Committee's approval is required.
Conversion of a probationary faculty appointment to an academic staff appointment
A probationary faculty appointment may not be converted to an academic staff appointment except upon recommendation by the appropriate departmental committee and the University Committee and approval by the chancellor. Such a conversion may not be made to circumvent the decision between promotion to tenure and nonretention (FPP 7.06.C.)