6.01. Faculty Committees

A.    The term “faculty committee” as used in this chapter applies only to committees established by the faculty or the Faculty Senate and does not apply to committees created by the chancellor, by deans, or by others. Faculty committees subject to the provisions of this section may be called committees, boards, or commissions.

B.    A faculty committee reports to the faculty through the University Committee and/or the Faculty Senate.

C.    A majority of the voting members of a faculty committee must be members of the university faculty who do not hold administrative appointments of one-half time or more beyond the level of a department or program.

D.    Actions taken by a faculty committee when the faculty members present do not constitute a majority must be approved either at the next meeting of the committee at which the faculty members constitute a majority or through other procedures established by the committee such as a mail ballot.

E.    Persons not members of the university faculty may serve on faculty committees when appropriate. In particular, provision may be made for representation from the academic staff, students, and administrative bodies.

F.    The faculty or Faculty Senate, or other appointing body to which the faculty or Faculty Senate have delegated authority, may provide for the selection of committee members; the scope of their authority; the rules and regulations for their proceedings; and the form in which the committee’s work should be reported.

G.    Ad hoc faculty committees established by the faculty, Faculty Senate, or other appointing body to which the faculty or Faculty Senate have delegated authority are subject to the general provisions of this chapter.